Increase Chances of Getting Pregnant


Increase the Chances of Getting Pregnant


A lot of couples that are holding out anxiously to become parents will face problems with being able to conceive. Seeing a doctor to determine if you might have any physical impediments to falling pregnant ought to be the initial step for many couples that have been trying to conceive for a while unsuccessfully. If everything is well physically, then you will find a number of ways in which you are able to increase the odds of falling pregnant – naturally and without medications. 

Tracking fertile times of your cycle is one of the most common techniques recommended and could be utilized as being a contraceptive aid as well as an aid to getting pregnant.

To increase the probabilities of falling pregnant it is usually as straightforward as fully understanding the woman’s menstrual cycle and ovulation times and planning intercourse accordingly. Numerous doctors will suggest basal temperature recording alone but this process is frequently not as accurate as the medical doctors would lead you to believe. A superior indicator of the ‘fertile window’ for a woman is the presence of a wet-feeling cervical fluid, also known as 'cervical mucus'.

The wet cervical mucus arrives leading up to and during ovulation, so for couples with a normal sperm count they ought to have intercourse each day there is a wet cervical mucus present until an increase in basal temperature is seen in the woman. For those couples where the man has a reduced sperm count, then it really is crucial to only have sexual intercourse every second day that the wet cervical fluid is present right up to the morning of the increase in basal temperature.

For conception, it is also vitally critical that both partners be in excellent health (but specifically the woman) to increase the odds of getting pregnant. Keeping yourself in a balanced weight range and eating well are extremely crucial factors for conception. This encompasses retaining an active lifestyle and doing frequent exercise when attempting to conceive.

A healthful lifestyle and being active can support balance out the hormones that may be disrupting your fertility and stopping you from conceiving. Tension and emotional troubles and diet all play a huge part in the conception of the baby. A woman’s body in specific needs to become stress-free in order to be ready to conceive. Sometimes issues with fertility are a sign of your body telling you that something is out or balance, so getting into a healthful, stress-free regime can aid you immensely with conceiving.

An additional area of concern is with lubricants, they really should be avoided when trying for a baby. Artificial lubricants and things like vegetable oil all contain chemicals that may act like a spermicide, so it is best to avoid them entirely. Saliva and plain glycerine additionally most certainly fall into this category as they also behave as spermicides.

The body’s own lubricant is naturally the most effective lubricant, so take it slow and use what nature has given you– this is the best way to make certain that you don’t kill the sperm. If you do think that you require some extra lubricant aside from your own, don't worry, there is another thing that is very natural and very effective. Organic egg white is the second in line to your body’s natural lubricant. Just like sperm, the egg white contains pure protein so it is the greatest alternative to the body’s natural conduit. The egg must not be cold, so really don't take an egg straight from the fridge. Additionally, it may be inserted with the same kind of applicator utilized for vaginal creams. But remember – please don’t use it if you are allergic to eggs!!

Different positions throughout intercourse can decrease or enhance the probabilities of falling pregnant. To make use of gravity in the sperm’s favour, you can’t go past the missionary position. In case you wish to support the sperm even further, then place a little pillow under the hips – this will make it easier for the sperm to travel inside. It must only be a little pillow though, otherwise the sperm could be pushed under the cervix, which is not the location an eager sperm wants to be! If you have a tilted uterus, then intercourse from behind ‘doggy style’ might be the best way to improve the odds of conceiving, because the sperm has much better access when the man enters close to the cervix.

I wrote this article on "Increase the Chances of Getting Pregnant" to help you. I went from spending 8 years desperately trying to get pregnant to finally tracking down an e-book devoted to increasing my fertility and it enabled me to get pregnant within 2 months of starting it! Read my story and learn about the e-book I used on my website: How to Get Pregnant Fast